The Capitol 10k on March 29th, 2009 will be a celebration of our hard work and dedication. Here is where we can share our victories and struggles, find new motivation and fight through the setbacks. We're all 6.2 miles away from something we never thought we'd do...finishing the race.

Thursday, September 4, 2008


That's what dad called me sometimes. Grandude too. Rosepetal.

Why am I running? It started because of my dad. I wanted to run in the race he ran as a way to better understand him and to celebrate his life in this small way. Along my short journey, i've begun to learn a bit about myself too. I'm not a quitter. I'm a fighter. This race is a tangible goal. It's real. I can do this. And when I cross that finish line, I know Dad will be watching and cheering.

For me. For him. For the sweet taste of victory only I will fully understand, i run. And the running muscles aren't a bad side effect. : )

My goal: run every single step. And to beat dad's time. 56 minutes.


Capitol10kparticipant said...

Your already doing so good Jenny!

Anonymous said...

Umm....I said that above...sorry I'm just getting used to posting on our blog. He he.