The Capitol 10k on March 29th, 2009 will be a celebration of our hard work and dedication. Here is where we can share our victories and struggles, find new motivation and fight through the setbacks. We're all 6.2 miles away from something we never thought we'd do...finishing the race.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

sarah from waco :)

hi. my name is sarah and i live in waco. i've known jenny since we were little. i'm excited to train for the capital 10k! it seems like a lofty goal to me, but i'm inspired by jenny and i believe that i'll be able to do it!

i started running right at the end of june. at that point i couldn't run a mile without stopping to walk 2 or 3 times. i've gradually built a little endurance and on august 30th my husband and i ran a 5k in 30:25!! we were thrilled. since then, i've gradually tried to add some distance to my runs... the breathing thing is still a little tough for me... working on not sounding like i'm dying while running. :)

as i've been consistent about running, i feel like i'm becoming addicted to it! i love the feeling of accomplishment after a run. i love when i push myself a little further than i think i can go. i love running up a hill and making it to the top! the reason that i started running was because it's a great way to stay in shape. both of my parents have run my whole life and i want to be healthy & fit like they are. having a goal like a 5k or 10k helps me stay motivated.

for more about me, feel free to visit my blog: :)

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