The Capitol 10k on March 29th, 2009 will be a celebration of our hard work and dedication. Here is where we can share our victories and struggles, find new motivation and fight through the setbacks. We're all 6.2 miles away from something we never thought we'd do...finishing the race.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

stuck with signs of movement.

hi -- this is sarah.

i've run twice since i joined this party, and, according to my original plans, i should've run five times by now.

today should be my 6th time.

oops. i'm a tad behind.

there is still hope for today (if landon would come home!), but isn't it funny how schedules don't really go the way you plan when you have a 5-week old and a 19-month old?


i'm writing this post to say that i'm not going to let the hiccups in my schedule keep me from this goal. i always have best laid plans on paper when it comes to getting my body healthy, but the second something comes up, i abandon the ship altogether.

i'm determined not to let that happen this time.

i'm NOT going to beat myself up too much when a day goes by that i was "supposed" to run, but i didn't. i AM going to take every opportunity to get out there and do some training.

this may not be the conventional runner's way of training for a race.

it is this mom-of-two's way, however.

so, be encouraged if you are one who finds herself/himself in this situation. or if you haven't even started yet. just take it a day at a time, and run when you can. as jenny said, make it your goal to do something. anything.

if we can do that, we'll all cross this finish line.

i can't wait.

(for my motivation to try this thing, visit here.)


Alicia said...

Thanks Sarah. I needed that. I'm a day behind in my c25k program and was really in the dumps about it.

The Holik's said...

Yes, thank you! I am in the same boat! It is hard when you have two small children and have to rely on someone else to watch them and your husband works until dark. I agree-I just run when I have the opportunity and that has to be enough. I have only run three times since the 7th, but did run farther on Monday (1.5 miles). Hey, it's something! You have to start somewhere. Thanks for the encouragement! Brianne